Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Week 5
This is an exciting week for Room 4 - Book Week.   We are listening to stories from other cultures, sharing our own special books with the class, finding out about different authors, dressing up as a book character and much more.

Last week we started to learn Mandarin in our class.  We have a wonderful teacher - Zhang Ting.  This week we learnt to count to 10 in Mandarin.

Stories from other Cultures

Mr Clark shared a story from Scotland with the children - he tried to convince them that haggis would be a yummy meal.  I don't think the children were really convinced!

Rita came in and shared a fable in Hindi with our room.  She talked to us about the way Hindi is written.  We also learnt to say "hello" नमस्तेnamasteand "thank you"        
"धन्यवाद्" (dhanyavaad) "thank you".

Adu's mother read us some Indian fables about animals from a book called : "Stories from Panchatantra" .
We found out that the Tamil language is one of the oldest languages in the world.  The children asked her some interesting questions about India - we found out that the tiger is their national animal an the peacock is their national bird.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Week 4

Class photographs are being taken on Wednesday morning. Order forms were sent home last Wednesday - if you wish to place an order, please send the envelope and the money to the office before Wednesday morning.

Our focus for this week is Fairy Tales.  On Wednesday. the Hillcrest High School Drama students will be performing "Twisted Fairy Tales" for us to watch.  
We have been exploring some of the traditional fairy tales and how these could be changed.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Week 3

We had a visit from the Fireman Mike today.  He revisited the information we had learnt about being Firewise.  The Room 4 students knew all the answers to his questions!  He was very impressed with their answers and behaviours.

Fireman Mike asked "What does a fireman do?"

Firemen do lots of jobs - putting out fires, going to car crashes, helping people who have heart attacks.

We watched a video about a fire caused by a candle.  

  A candle should never be lit and left by an open window and a curtain.  You need to stay in the room with a lit candle - blow it out if you leave the room.

Fireman Mike told us a story about a girl whose house caught on fire.
The girl heard the smoke alarm and climbed out her bedroom window and went to her safe meeting place.

We learnt how to write a thank you letter to Fireman Mike.

We did some fantastic writing, posters and artwork to celebrate what we learnt about Firewise.

Hulu Hooping Demonstration by Annalise

I showed the class how to do hula hooping because I wanted them to get better at it.  About 10% of the class didn't really know how to hula hoop at all.

If you want to get better at it, you need to practice, practice, practice.

I hope the class loved my hula hooping.        

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Week 2

We will be continuing our learning about Firewise.   We had a whole school fire drill last week - the children were amazing the way they knew what to do.  The whole school moved to the cricket pitch (our meeting place) in about three minutes.

Deaf Aotearoa New ZealandThis week is also NZ Sign Language Week - we will be discussing who uses sign language and its importance as one of NZ's three official languages.  Here is a link http://deaf.org.nz/nzslw - On this page there is a sign Ninja Game you might wish to explore.